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The End of Non-Competes in America?

Please join SunLaw and Katie McCray from Wilson Turner Kosmo for an interactive discussion on the new FTC rule on non-competes.

What will we cover?

The FTC has effectively banned non-compete agreements nationwide, but with exceptions. The rule has been challenged in court, but the outcome is uncertain. Employers operating in California have long known non-compete agreements are unenforceable, but recent law changes significantly tightened the restrictions and exposed companies to liability for violations. What is a company to do, and how should you approach next steps?

What to look forward to

Join Katie McCray from Wilson Turner Kosmo LLP for an interactive discussion of this evolving area of law. Please come with your questions and any insights you may wish to share about protecting trade secrets, confidential information, and other business interests without running afoul of the law.

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